Namespace Xping.Sdk.Core.Common
- Error
The Error class encapsulates the details of an error that occurs within the SDK. It has attributes: Code and Message. The Code represents a value that indicates the type of error, while the Message is a string that provides a human-readable description of the error.
The Error class is intended to be used internally within the SDK.
- Errors
A static class that provides factory methods for creating different types of errors.
- InstrumentationTimer
This class provides a set utilities that can be used to log data related to code execution time.
- NonSerializable<TValue>
Represents a non-serializable value that implements the IPropertyBagValue interface.
- PropertyBagKey
The PropertyBagKey class is used to represent a key in a PropertyBag<TValue>. The IEquatable<PropertyBagKey?> interface is implemented to allow for comparison of PropertyBagKey instances.
- PropertyBagKeys
This class is used to provide a set of predefined keys that can be used with the PropertyBag<TValue> class.
- PropertyBagValue<TValue>
Represents a serializable value that implements the IPropertyBagValue and ISerializable interfaces.
- PropertyBag<TValue>
PropertyBag class represents a collection of key-value pairs that allows to store any object for a given unique key. All keys are represented by PropertyBagKey but values may be of any type. Null values are not permitted, since a null entry represents the absence of the key.
- UserAgent
Contains commonly used user agent strings for desktop and mobile browsers.
- IInstrumentation
Represents an instrumentation interface for measuring execution time and tracking elapsed time.
- IPropertyBagValue
IPropertyBagValue is an interface that specifies the common behavior of property bag values that are associated with test steps as outcomes. Two classes implement this interface: PropertyBagValue<TValue> and NonSerializable<TValue>. The former is a serializable value that implements ISerializable and can be serialized by compatible serializers. The latter is a non-serializable value that is ignored by the serialization process. Its main function is to store data during the PropertyBag<TValue> lifecycle and to transfer data among various objects that do not need this data to be serialized.