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Xping SDK Docs

Welcome to the Xping SDK library documentation!

What is XPing SDK

Xping SDK provides a set of tools to make it easy to write automated tests for Web Application and Web API, as well as troubleshoot issues that may arise during testing. The library provides a number of features to verify that the Web Application is functioning correctly, such as checking that the correct data is displayed on a page or that the correct error messages are displayed when an error occurs.

The library is called Xping, which stands for eXternal Pings, and is used to verify the availability of a server and monitor its content.

To get started with Xping SDK, please refer to the following resources:

  1. Console Application Guide: Learn how to integrate and use Xping SDK in your console applications.

  2. NUnit Integration Guide: Step-by-step instructions for using Xping SDK in your NUnit test projects.

  3. API Reference: Comprehensive documentation of all available classes, methods, and properties.

  4. Samples: The Xping SDK repository contains several samples that demonstrate how to use this library in various scenarios.

  5. Troubleshooting Tips: Common issues and their solutions to help you get unstuck quickly.

We hope that you find Xping SDK useful for your web application testing needs. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here!

Thank you for using Xping!